Jacob Segil: Prosthetic Limb Designer

Presented by

Tuesday, Apr 11
4:00 pm

ATLAS BTU Lab (located in room 113)

Event Details

Join us for a fascinating discussion about prosthetics and engineering with Jacob Segil, an instructor in the Engineering Plus program and the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Segil collaborates with research groups around the world to design functional prosthetic limbs, some of which include sensors that allow users to experience “feeling” in their bionic fingers. As part of the research, Segil and his colleagues recruit clients to come to the lab and test new designs of externally powered myoelectric hands controlled with electrical signals generated by the user’s residual limb muscles.

Segil holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in bioenigneering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a bioengineering focus, and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, both from the University of Colorado Boulder. He researches brain-machine
interfaces, neural prosthetic devices and myoelectric control systems, and teaches mechatronic design, experimental design and statistics.